Fundamentals of the theory of corporate information systems
- Подробности
- Опубликовано: 01.12.2023 16:54
- Автор: Степанов Дмитрий Юрьевич
- Просмотров: 974

Abstract: the paper describes the theory of corporate information systems. At first differences between applications, information systems and corporate information systems are presented. Implementation levels of information systems and corporate information systems are analyzed. Definition of the theory of corporate information systems is shaped. All implementation strategies within the theory are refined to follow risk-based approach. Thus, the theory of corporate information systems is made to be risk oriented.
Key words: fundamentals of information systems, nature of theory in information systems, information systems foundations, information systems theoretical foundations, information systems implementation, implement new IT system, information systems implementation management, managing system implementation, theories in Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP systems implementation.
Conference: XIII International Conference on High-Performance Computing Systems and Technologies in Scientific Research, Automation of Control and Production, Russia, Barnaul, 19-20 May 2023 (HPCST – 2023).
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Source: Ссылка (article).
Выходные данные
Степанов Д.Ю. Основы теории корпоративных информационных систем // Высокопроизводительные вычислительные системы и технологии. – 2023. – т. 7, № 1. – c.147-152. – URL: